About Watchers and Gatekeepers


WATCHERS AND GATEKEEPERS, is a movement of citizens of the Kingdom of God, in the centre of GOD’s will, called in these times, with the main objective of earnestly contending and stoutly defending the faith and truth which was entrusted to us, HIS people to keep without change through the years.


“We are called to action in this time to restrain lawlessness and injustices” – Thessalonians 2:6-12.

A current example of such lawlessness is the worldwide “PLANdemic”. One that starts with the use of a PCR test to determine infection which has openly been declared ineffective in being able to do so. A virus, manufactured by the human hand in a laboratory, which 99.8% of those infected recover from, but results in worldwide lockdowns, mass loss of income, business foreclosures, more poverty and homelessness. Only to be followed by an experimental vaccine, with a multitude of proven side effects, being forced on people. This is the lawlessness we must restrain.

Our Plan of Action


Watchers and Gatekeepers has a broad-based action plan that is structured in such a manner that it empowers its members through awareness raising and targeted litigation.

1. Currently we have a Rule 53 Review Application which will be determined at the High Court, sitting in Cape Town.

The thrust of the application is to seek for the court to review and set aside the lockdown decisions that are collapsing the business sector and thus crippling the economy, whilst also making a negative impact on ordinary people’s lives.

2. Through various platforms, we have been educating our members and members of the public in general about issues related to the covid 19 human experimental injection.

As a result of the responses from the public and the realisation that many people, especially the vulnerable and the poor, are being denied their right to informed consent, we are taking up a matter at the highest court in the land, to protect people’s guaranteed constitutional rights.

3. Over and above educating on covid related issues, we are committed to equip all those who wish to exercise their right to say NO to having “experimental vaccines” injected into them.

4. Given the role of the Church, in watching and gatekeeping, to ensure the protection of the Nation, Watchers and Gatekeepers’ main drive is the mobilisation of the Church.


Our International Collaborators


Dr Reiner Fuellmich


Internationally recognised German trial lawyer Dr Reiner Feullmich is not alone: he is supported by the work of an international team – more than 10 000 strong – of court judges, doctors, scientists, economists, entrepreneurs, experts and business lawyers who will plead the biggest court case of all time, the Covid-19 fraud scandal is the biggest fraud of the century.

Visit his legal firm’s website

Nick Hudson


Nick Hudson is the Chairman of PANDA, which seeks to develop science-based explanations and test them against international data. Policy recommendations for governments and other institutions can be developed from these. PANDA stands for open science and rational debate, for replacing flawed science with good science and for retrieving liberty and prosperity from the clutches of a dystopian “new normal”

Visit PANDA’s website

Thomas Renz

Attorney Renz is a regular guy with a small law firm in a small town in Ohio who has been blessed to lead a number of major actions/initiatives. Renz has or is suing a number of states and the US federal government of the unconstitutional COVID response and is eager to continue to expand the fight. While his passion and calling is to fight for faith and freedom, his greatest accomplishment is his family. He views it as a true honour and privilege to be able to be a part of making the world a better place for all of our children.

Visit his website

About Pastor John

Pastor John Mosepele, the President of Ministers Reconcile World Incorporated aka New Creation Center International, founded in 2007, with branch chapters across the nation. He is an Executive Member of the International School of Ministry Ministers Network (ISMMN) founded by a dear man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome (PHDD – 2010), the President of LoveWorld Inc. and of Christ Embassy.

Pastor John is also the Founding President of the NPC institution called Watchers and Gatekeepers, which was founded in 2021 as an instrument of the Spirit of God to collaborate with like-minded ministers who will stoutly fight and strive together side by side for the faith of the gospel. Bringing Unity to the Body of Christ, the Church.

Pastor John is a dedicated minister of God’s Word whose messages have brought the reality of the divine life to the hearts of many. Taking your place in the Word, is the message he carries. Thousands have been affected by his Church ministry through the New Creation Centre International (NCCI) which is spreading across Southern Africa.

He was called to ministry over 27 years ago in Bloemfontein, and has since ministered all over South Africa, other African countries and the Middle East. Pastor John has been married to a minister of God, Pastor Charis Mosepele for 28 years. Pastor Charis is a co-founder of Ministers Reconcile World Incorporated aka NCCI. Pastor John is blessed with many children who are dedicated to the work of the ministry as well.

Advocate Sabelo

Advocate Sabelo Sibanda was born in Durban, South Africa but was raised in Zimbabwe where he achieved his Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of Zimbabwe in 1988. He thereafter went on to study law at the University of Aberdeen (Scotland) where he achieved his Honours Degree in 1993 and went on to complete a Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice.

Advocate Sibanda is a highly skilled lawyer with vast experience gained at different levels and different areas of the legal profession. Serving as an Advocate since 2004, his career focus has been strongly centred around acting in the defence of Human Rights and raising awareness on the plight of Human Trafficking and fighting for those who have fallen victim to it.

He is currently the co-chair of the United Nations Council of Indigenous People, Office of Legal Affairs and previously served as Chairman of the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania for the Western Cape, Secretary General for the Sudan Solidarity Network and the Zimbabwean representative for the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League to name but a few.

Advocate Sibanda is a dedicated humanitarian, willing to take up the fight to save as many souls as he possibly can from brutality, inequality and manipulation thereby mirroring the vision and mission of the Watchers and Gatekeepers organisation.



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